ARM9 Embedded CPU
Technical features:
- 32-bits ARM 9 CPU, clocked at 240MHz
- 32MB of SDRAM (64MB optional) at 120MHz (32-bits interfaced)
- 64MB of on board Flash memory
- 3 Serial interfaces, 1 of them is IrdA compatible
- 2 USB host interfaces (1 switchable to USB device)
- Synchronous serial interface to connect with 16-bits audio codec
- Video output for STN or TFT LCD screen
- Touch-screen interface
- 10-bits ADC converter
- IICbus interface
- 2 SPI interfaces
- 4 internal PWM timers
- Watchdog timer
- Up to 90 I/O pins
- Low power: 0.5W typical, 1W max; only a single 3.3Vdc 5% is required
- Small sizes: 45x40x8 mm
- Wired with 2 60-ways smd connectors, pitch 0.8mm
- Extended operating temperature range: from -25C to +85C
- Very low price
- Very easy to add CAN bus and Ethernet ports
- A dedicated development system named RD126 is available
- Low-cost evaluation kit named RD156
Included software:
- The board is delivered with kernel Linux and Busybox
- To compile, link and debug your applications we suggest to use the free software kit ELDK